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Sunday, March 07, 2010




Hello everyone! I hope that you're having a great weekend so far. Due to staying up waaaaaaay past my bedtime (2 A.M) I didn't get out of bed until 8! We had a birthday party to go to at noon so I didn't want to load up on breakfast. Madelyn and I had yogurt with fresh blueberries. I finally got to try Siggi's Icelandic Skyr style yogurt. I so wanted to love this yogurt, I mean comeon', doesn't orange and ginger sound so delicious? Well it really wasn't my cup of tea. I know that skyr is suppose to be very thick, even more so than Greek yogurt but this was a little too pasty for me. The flavor was tart and semi bitter. I ended up having to add a scoop of Madelyn's light and fit into mine to neutralize the taste. Maybe it's just the flavor that I didn't like, being that it's so strong, but I think I'm going to stick to my Chobani for now. For those who love thick yogurt this would fit your bill.

After our quick breakfast the three of us headed to the gym for a Sunday workout. Today was HIIT and abs and shoulder/arms day. I was on the treadmill for a total of six intervals at my usual 1/3 pace. I did manage to do three intervals at 10mph and all of my recoveries except for one at an incline of 5. Newton was able to lift some weights and shot around on the bball court and Maddy had fun in the Kids Klub. We needed that work out to compensate for lunch... wait until you see what An and Byung cooked up for the party.