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Thursday, March 11, 2010

"L" is for loooooser.


Just shoot me now. I'm such a loser. Not only did I skip out on my Body works class but I ended up going to Olive Garden with my friend Jessie and pigged out on Chicken Scampi pasta and salad! Ugh. Talk about two steps backwards. I was feeling really lonely without Newton around for the past couple of days and Maddy and I didn't want to be alone so we dragged Jessie out to go to dinner and then go shop. The shopping part was, again, a strike out but we had fun, nonetheless. I did manage to sort of control myself with the pasta. I had the kitchen split my pasta dish so Maddy had half and I only ate half of my half so technically meaning I only ate 1/4 of the plate, capeesh? I did, however, have two bowls of salad. :X Hope you bloggies had a great night!

This one was Maddy's. Mine was sans cheese.