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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Free Pastry day! Gimme gimme!


Up and at em'! Rise and shine! Good Morning!!!

Sorry was I too loud? ;) I'm a little wired this morning. Thanks to twitter I learned that today is was free pastry day at Starbucks. Before heading to work I had to stop in and grab my iced coffee and pick up a slice of their reduced-fat very berry coffee cake. I ended up giving the cake to my Dad because I'm just not a morning sweets girl but the coffee was very deeee-lish, as always. The stimulant in coffee always leaves me feeling full so breakfast was pretty tame, also I skipped my workout this A.M. so my appetite wasn't as fierce as usual. I just ended up chewing on a Clif bar.

Lunch will be much more exciting. On today's menu: Homemade Vietnamese Pho!